
TL;DR: This website is provided as a free service to convert, calculate, sort and transform all sorts of things. All code is executed in your browser, so any content that you convert is not tracked by us.

Information you provide

When you provide and process content, it is stored locally in the browser and is not uploaded or stored on our servers.

Information collected automatically

This site uses basic analytics to track anonymous usage information. This site logs basic diagnostic information, such as the time and date of your request, an anonymized IP address, and if your request was successful or not.

How your information is used

Diagnostic information is used to diagnose errors, most likely in response to an issue submitted via the issue tracker. Usage information is used to gauge interest in this site.

How your information is shared

We don’t share the information you process on this site with any third parties. We don’t store it ourselves. We do rely on third-parties for tracking anonymous usage information.

A note on security

This website is provided for your convenience. All traffic is encrypted and your data is not stored on our servers. Code runs in a strict sandbox environment which isn’t able to reach up into your browser, except through a strictly limited and scoped communication protocol.