Generate “lorem ipsum” filler text

Create placeholder text to use in your graphic and web design projects when the final text isn’t available. Choose how many paragraphs, sentences and words you would like to include.

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Loading takeymakey...
TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
export const take = [
  { key: "p", type: "number", max: 20, label: "Paragraphs" },
  { key: "s", type: "number", max: 20, label: "Sentences" },
  { key: "w", type: "number", max: 50, label: "Words" },
    type: "import",
    value: "",

export const make = (data) => {
  const cap = (w) => w[0].toUpperCase() + w.slice(1)
  let value = ""
  let words = parser(data.p * data.s * data.w, "w").split(" ")

  for (let i = 0; i < data.p; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < data.s; j++) {
      value += cap(words.splice(0, data.w).join(" "))
      value += ". "
    if (i < data.p - 1) value += "\n\n"

  value = value.replace(/\,\./g, ".")

  return [{ type: "text", value }]