Format HTML

Prettify HTML code, while collapsing multiple newlines, trimming and normalizing whitespace. Choose your preferred indentation and character limit for lines.

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TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
export const take = [
  { type: "code", label: "HTML" },
  { type: "number", label: "Character line limit", value: 0 },
  { type: "toggle", label: "Collapse new lines", value: true },
    type: "dropdown",
    label: "Indent",
    options: [
      { label: "2 spaces", value: 2 },
      { label: "4 spaces", value: 4 },
      { label: "Tabs", value: "tab" },
    type: "import",
    value: "",

export const make = ([html, max_char, collapse, indent]) => {
  const indent_size = indent > 0 ? indent : 2

  let value = SimplyBeautiful().html(html, {

  if (collapse) {
    value = value.replace(/\s+\n+/g, "\n")

  if (indent === "tab") {
    value = value.replace(new RegExp(` {${indent_size}}`, "g"), "\t")

  return { type: "code", value }