Word count

Count the numbers of words and sentences in your text. Find the longest word and the average word length.

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TakeyMakey code
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  make: (content) => {
    const wrx = /[a-z-]+/gi
    const srx = / [a-z][^\.]+\.(\s+|$)/gi
    const wrd = content.match(wrx) || []
    const sen = content.match(srx) || []

    const title = wrd.length + " word" + (wrd.length === 1 ? "" : "s")

    let body = ""

    if (wrd.length && sen.length > 1) {
      const avg = +(wrd.length / (sen.length || 1)).toFixed(1)
      body += `There are ${sen.length} sentences, with an average length of ${avg} words per sentence. `

    if (wrd.length) {
      const big = wrd.sort((a, b) => (a.length < b.length ? 1 : -1))[0]
      body += `The longest word is "${big}". `
      body += `It is ${big.length} letters long.`

    return {
      type: "card",