Markdown to HTML

Convert Markdown, the lightweight markup language for writing simple HTML in a plain-text format. This online converter includes options for GitHub Flavored Markdown, smart typography and more.

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TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
export const take = [
  { type: "text", key: "markdown", label: "Markdown code" },
    type: "toggle",
    key: "headerIds",
    label: "Add Header IDs",
    detail: "Include an `id` attribute on headings (h1, h2, h3, etc).",
    type: "toggle",
    key: "gfm",
    label: "GitHub Flavored Markdown",
    detail: "Use approved GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) specification.",
    type: "toggle",
    key: "breaks",
    label: "Line Breaks",
    detail: "Add `<br>` on a single line break. Requires `gfm` be true.",
    type: "toggle",
    key: "smartLists",
    label: "Smart Lists",
    detail: "Use smarter list behavior than those found in ``.",
    type: "toggle",
    key: "smartypants",
    label: "Smartypants",
    detail: 'Use "smart" typographic punctuation for quotes and dashes.',
    type: "toggle",
    key: "xhtml",
    label: "XHTML",
    detail: "Use self-closing tags for void elements, like `<br/>`.",
    type: "toggle",
    key: "pedantic",
    label: "Pedantic",
    detail: "Conform to original ``. Disables GFM.",
    type: "import",
    value: "",

export const make = ({ markdown, ...options }) => ({
  type: "code",
  value: marked(markdown, options),